

A space for creativity, collaboration and experiences

108 The Moor aims to host, facilitate and co-produce unique experiences with the vision of inspiring personal growth, collaboration and creativity for the diverse communities in Sheffield.

Home of AALFY’s Learn Create Sell and Makerpreneurs programmes, 108 The Moor is shared with Live Works which engages local people in debate about the past, present and future of the city, and supports community-led regeneration of the city’s buildings, streets and neighbourhoods.

Situated at the heart of Sheffield’s main retail quarter, the unit comprises of a large open space at the front with an airy feel on the ground floor, bringing in an influx of natural light from the large, street-level. Additionally, the workshop room is ideal for smaller meet-ups and training activities. The Maker Space in 108 the Moor offers the latest technologies for the maker communities which includes two laser cutters, a 3d printer, vinyl cutter and a variety of hand tools.


Fancy hosting your event at 108 The Moor? Get in touch!